Maybe it's because I just don't get it. Maybe it's because of the role it played in my marriage falling apart, real or imagined, literally or symbolically. Maybe it's because when I am around people texting, it feels a little like someone whispering to someone else while I'm standing right there, not being let in on their little secret. Whatever. No matter the reason, I can't stand the whole texting thing and am irked by people being so attached to it as a form of communication.
Maybe I actually get it a little more than I used to. It started to dawn on me a few years ago at work, when I would notice teens and pre-teens enter the store with their parents, eyes and thumbs glued to their device, clearly messaging back and forth. Sometimes the whole group would be walking around like zombies, eyes aglaze and thumbs ablaze, texting away. (I often imagined them texting each other while standing right next to each other instead of talking {omg, how cute is this ring?---rly? h8 it, roflmao@u}).
Maybe I can kind of understand texting's ability to communicate for a quick informational check in, like "need milk while ur out" or "b back soon"( ...wait, that would actually be- brb)etc. Call me old fashioned but isn't it just as easy to call and speak, or leave a voicemail? OK, so not always, I can understand that. But to carry on a back and forth conversation, ongoing, for ten or fifteen minutes? Maybe more? Some people say we are more connected because of technology, but how is that more connected than having a conversation? Again, why not call and have that chat, so you can hear a voice, they can hear yours, getting more meaning, and more connected, by actually hearing the words spoken instead of reading them on a screen? Getting back to my point, I started to realize a big reason why people text when observing kids texting with parents around; texting allows people to have a private "conversation" in public. Kids could find out where the party is going to be, or who got busted in school or who slept with who, without being overheard, and, just as good, without having to (gasp!) wait until the next free moment or even the next day (!) to get the goods. And I certainly realize that it's not just kids doing it for this reason, it was simply the circumstance that brought on the revelation for me.
Maybe I'm am a little more tuned in, a little more sensitive, and a little more resentful because of how texting symbolized the beginning of the end of my marriage. The ex seemed to use it as a way to distance me. It also enhanced the jealousy and paranoia I felt since I seldom received and never sent her any texts, and I would always get vague and or evasive answers when I would ask who she was texting all the time. So I admit to, and own a strong personal distaste for texting.
But with it's popularity and ubiquity, I have started to grudgingly accept it. I even stoop to its use on occasion myself. Not on my phone, I don't have a plan and my phone is just a phone dammit! but I got an ipad recently and I do use the messaging feature to communicate with the ex when I have info to share about the kids or whatever, but I either don't want to have a conversation with her or I just don't want to hear her voice! (Ahhh, new enlightenment on why people may use it!)
Or maybe it's when shit like the following happens:
Twelve year old son gets picked up at school, tells me "I need to go take some pictures for my (really big, really important) report (due tomorrow)." We don't have a camera with us but he tells me he can use his phone. "You know how to get the pictures uploaded?" I ask "100% sure?" Yup. "You've done it before?" Yup. Ok. So we go and take the necessary photos. 8pm that evening "Dad? I can't get the pictures off my phone." "What? I thought...blah blah blah" "Oh yeah, that was my old phone" Great. I try unsuccessfully to get the job done, and the wheels start turning, how can we do this? I know! We can send them as pix messages to his sister, who has an iphone, and she can then e-mail them back to me and we can print from there. One minor step in between though. Due to responsibility and trust issues (time+access+12 year old=porn trouble) there is a text and data block on my son's phone. Like I said, a minor step online and the block is removed, pix messages sent, e-mailed back, and printed. 9:30pm- Project complete-hooray!
Son goes off to read and then to bed while I do basically the same. Although nodding off while reading, I am then unable to fall asleep. Thinking back through the day, I remember that I didn't turn the text and data block back on. Rather proud of myself for not completely forgetting about it, I log into my account online to do the block and I notice 57 messages in the usage category. Hmmmm. I check it out, knowing none are from my line, and that there should have been only five or six from the photos sent. The detail portion shows the other fifty or so messages, sent and received, nearly all to and from the same number. Over the course of an hour. From 9:00 - 10:00pm. A little shocked (and a lot pissed) at how he couldn't resist the temptation, almost as soon as it presented itself, I checked his phone, curious to found out who he had been texting with (and yes, what subjects were discussed). I was neither surprised, nor pissed when I found out who (an ex-girlfriend {already? he's 12!}) or what (typical teen pre-teen, boy, girl, post break up pre get back together stuff) was discussed. I was pissed (but not shocked) to find out that the message count was now in the 90's and he had been at it until after 11pm. Steady. For an hour and a half after going to "read" and a half hour after goodnight, sleep tight, lights out.
I don't care so much about the back and forth with a girl, that's pretty "age appropriate" as they say, although there is a time and a place for it and I'm not sure alone in your bedroom at 11pm is either for a twelve year old. But I can deal with that. It's the fact that, literally, within minutes of the block being removed he started doing what he knew he shouldn't. And then lied, begging off to read and go to bed, while actually texting the whole time.
So maybe it's a trusting issue not a texting issue. Or maybe that's just another reason Y I H8 TXTNG.
And then there's those who use their blue-tooth thingies in public, so you think they're talking, you know, to you. Don't even get me started on them. That's a (rant) blog for another day.
Peace 2 the Planet....
So....can I text you sometime? LOL - just teasing. Couldn't resist making the comment.