...if you want to rock and ro-o-oll.
Got this snappy little ditty by AC/DC firmly stuck in my head thanks to Jack Black and the movie "School of Rock".
Love the movie. Fun and funny. Jack Black is pretty talented in a number of ways-comedy, acting, vocals, not to mention he could do a comedy bit using nothing more than facial expressions and it would leave you laughing. The unoriginal storyline of the lovable loser who makes earnest but big mistakes, gets busted, then finds love, redemption or acceptance in the end woulnd't have been sucessful without the talents of Jack Black and his ten year old band mates.
Yes, he was their "teacher" but they tought him too.
See, now it's been a while since I've covered any of the stupid stuff category here in the blog, which this movie definitely is, but it also touches a bit on life as well. No love though. Unless you consider Joan Cusack's principal charactor getting hit on backstage by a barechested (other than the tattoo), leather clad rocker/poser.
I think I just did a movie review...wtf?
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