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Friday, September 2, 2011

The beauty of Nature

If you look for it, there is beauty in almost every thing, and every situation.  It's just that sometimes you have to look harder than others.

I have long appreciated the beauty of nature.  Through learning, introspection, and greater awareness in general, my sense of nature's beauty has been heightened of late.
 Amid the recent flooding of my neighborhood, my town, and my state I found myself able to see the beauty manifested in the raw power of flowing water.  Nature's beauty allowed me a moment's rest from the stress of the day; wondering if the raging water outside my home would soon be in my home, and wondering whether and when to evacuate myself and my kids to a safer spot.
  In the days since the flood waters receded, I have come to appreciate the beauty of nature even more.  Human nature. 
 Friends, neighbors, community, the human family all coming together to help each other and give whatever we can.  Sharing a home, a pump, a generator, a sandwich or whatever is needed.  Maybe even a kind word, a smile or a hug.  It's a beautiful thing.
  Human nature is a fickle thing and often gets a bad rap,  but there is nothing like a tough situation to bring people together, usually showing the better side of human nature. 

I was reminded of the duality of our human species' behavior today, witnessing both extremes within minutes of each other.  I had been working with a sales rep in my store when  a woman and two children looked around for a few minutes, made a purchase, and left.  Upon their exit, a man (the husband/dad?) yelled "ASSHOLES!  Thanks for making me wait!"  he hurried them into the car, slamming doors, and sped off. The sales rep and I were taken aback (as was a neighboring store owner who came in remarking "can you believe that guy?")  We were all thinking the same thing; if he treats her and the kids this way in public....
Minutes later, still stunned that one person could treat another this way, another woman came in and shopped around, gathered a few things and made a purchase, noting that she was headed home from a week long vacation and wanted to spend as much as she could in our flood ravaged state before she left.  Preparing to leave she turned and gave the sales rep a spontaneous hug then looked at me behind the counter and said she'd give me one too, but didn't want to make my wife or girlfriend jealous (which was a good natured jab at herself).  Then she says "Aww what the heck!" and leaned well over the counter, arms out, offering a hearty hug for me as well.  Wishing us both a good day, she left us with a smile.  The rep and I looked at each other with silly grins of our own, and we noted that even though the world had lots of jerks like the first guy, there are still plenty of kind, generous, thoughtful and loving people in the world as well.

So here's to the finer side of human nature.  It is still out there, everywhere, from the ordinary moments to the extraordinary.

Peace to the Planet...

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