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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Keeper of what exactly?

  I just wanted to blog really. An anonymous journal. A blank page awaiting some words.  Wisdom? uh... no.  Simply a place to clear my mind, express some feelings, share some thoughts with the webosphere.  I am writing for myself and didn't care if anyone read it and if they did, I didn't care what they thought.
  So in the otherwise very simple process of starting a blog, you need to come up with a name for the blog and a profile name (you know, posted by....). Somehow I came up with The Keeper.  At the time, it made sense and had meaning.  I wanted to keep it pretty anonymous (ranting on exes can get a little dicey and possibly lead to legal danger) so that precluded use of my real name.  (However, I am starting to think about changing my name legally to The Keeper-first name The, last name Keeper.)  But as I found myself trying to explain it to my friend Piggy, I could no longer remember what had led me to the name The Keeper(...hmmm should I capitalize all the time, like God? {or Him as those who follow use the pronoun?}).
  [side note{as noted in first post I do enjoy the use of parenthesis} but...which ones to use<there are at least four possibilities> and where do you put punctuation?(in fact I think I may have set a record using four non-letters in a row immediately preceding this side note.).].
  Back to my non-point, which was, the name The Keeper had such deep and significant meaning that I can no longer remember what the hell that meaning was.
  If you're still with me, I'm impressed, cause I think I lost myself a few paragraphs ago.
  But I do really like the name, The Keeper, so although I don't remember it's original significance I thought I would just riff on it for a while.  No, I'm not a goal keeper, but I respect the position.  Am I the keeper of truth?  Hardly-but I am big on honesty.  The keeper of the faith? That depends...faith in what?  humanity, love, your spouse, yourself...no, yes, no, yes.  Wasn't the crypt keeper some late night horror show dude/puppet/character?  Wasn't really that into horror, and he/it just wasn't my style...For a long time I thought I was a keeper-but my ex thought otherwise.  Maybe I just wasn't a keeper for her.  Must be that I'm a keeper for someone else...Keep on truckin'. Keep on Keepin' on (not a bad motto in shitty times).
  Now I mentioned writing for myself, which I do, and I also mentioned anonymity, which has already  been lost.  But I realised after my first post that although I was writing for myself, I did want someone  to read it (not sure why-actually, here's a thought-sharing feels good whether it's sharing a cookie or sharing your feelings and you can't share if there is no one there).  So of course I had to tell someone (and of course he had to put it on facebook!) and....looky, looky, a few people have read the thing, even fewer actually like the thing, some have even commented both here and via facebook (keep'em coming!) and one person (so far) has actually become a follower (hello Marina).  To my surprise I do care if people read it, I do care if people like it, comment on it, or follow it.  But that's just me, The Keeper, Keepin' it real (heyyyy... maybe that was it).
  So what's in a name really?  That's a tough one no matter how you look at it.  All I know is that after my first post I googled, pinged and searched everywhere for my blog.  Although I did  not find my "The Keeper", I did find that here are a whole bunch of other keepers out there.  Not very original, I guess. But it's a damn good thing that there's a history feature on web browsers, otherwise I never would have found the thing again...

Peace to the planet...


  1. Hello to you too :)

    I can't quite remember how I found your blog but I definitely like it so far.

    I feel like you blog like I do, in a journaling form rather than catering to an audience, like writing something funny (like Hyperbole and a Half, though I do love Allie's drawings...).

    Perhaps, (and I am just throwing ideas around), you're simply The Keeper of your own dreams and thoughts. That's what I had thought right off the bat.

    Hope to see more of your writing, come check mine out sometime too :)

  2. I'm with Marina on the "Perhaps you're simply The Keeper of your own dreams and thoughts." When I first saw "The Keeper", the meaning of the word wasn't "He's a Keeper" as if to say, "Make sure you KEEP him! But more of a keeper as in one who keeps something. Maybe dreams and thoughts. Wonderful writing, my man. KEEP it coming! (is that a third meaning?)

  3. I was wonder why "The Keeper" was chosen. I think you, and your followers, are on to something. I wholeheartedly agree too. Wonderful writing and keep it coming!
