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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New house mate

Had a new housemate move in a while back.  Sleeps all day, nocturnal but quiet at night.  No problem til early this morning-woke at 4am to the stinking result of a feud with another of his friends.  Fucking skunks...Yes, my new house mate is an uninvited one, a black and white one, a stinky one.  It apparently has taken up residence in the crawlspace below my kitchen; when it sprayed you couldn't even smell it outside on the porch (underneath which is its main access) but you could smell it through all three floors of my apartment! So I did my best to mitigate the olfactory stank; opened doors and windows for about an hour (until it got down to 45 degrees or so, too bad it didn't happen last week when it was 50-60!), lit candles and incense, hit the carpet with odor powder stuff and vacuumed, mopped the hard floors with heavy dose of Lysol, and sprayed everything including the kids with Febreeze.
  All of which helped...to create a mix of very pleasant, if slightly chemical, scents...and skunk


  1. Keeper, this was not the writing I was hoping to be reading right now. Bummer, dude. I do know from experience though, that mothballs in the skunks sleeping spot will kick him out. We had one under our front cement steps in a dugout. You'll have to find the entrance to his lair and chuck a bunch in as far as you can. He should beat it. Man, I feel so bad. Fucking skunks.
